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SuperRED, Supporting Self Regulated Learning in Digital and Remote Education Where technology meets self-regulation

How can schools help students to increase levels of autonomy in the management of learning processes?
SuperRED partners are working to answer this question. The project team started in 2022 a collaboration aimed at “increasing the overall quality of
the education system, while offering methodologies and tools effectively adaptable to local contexts where the knowledge is co-designed through the stimulation of reflective practices”.
What does SuperRED want to achieve?
Shortly, these are our goals:
– increase student’s levels of autonomy in the management of learning processes through innovative digital tools to improve motivation and involvement, and to
preserve the inclusive nature of learning opportunities;
– provide an educational training for teachers on the themes of effective remote teaching/blended learning, in order to develop digital competences on learning
design and to ensure high quality inclusive digital education, thus empowering teachers to face new emergencies to be achieved through a serious-game-based

Let’s have a look at the first step we took.
During the meeting in presence at the Italian National Research Council (CNR) of Genoa in november 2022, the 4Ts Game has been presented and put into practice by the teachers involved.
“Designed by CNR-ITD, the board game provides guidance to teachers in the conceptualisation (i.e. the initial design stage) of collaborative learning activities for their learners. The game can be used in the context of teacher professional development actions, or as a design tool”.
During the meeting in Genoa new features have been added to the board game which has now added an extra module about Self Regulated Learning. This new updated game aims to support the design of collaborative learning activities oriented to Self-Regulated Learning.
Would you like to know more about the 4Ts game? Visit the website of this educational tool. 

Keep an eye on our blog to learn more about SuperRED, a new post is coming soon!
What do you think about SuperRED? Let us know your idea in the comments.

The new version of 4Ts Game


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