Supporting Self Regulated Learning in Digital and Remote Education
About SuperRED
SuperRED aims at increasing the overall quality of the education system, while offering methodologies and tools effectively adaptable to local contexts where the knowledge is co-designed through the stimulation of reflective practices.
SuperRED will aim to: increase student’s levels of autonomy in the management of learning processes through innovative digital tools to improve motivation and involvement, and to preserve the inclusive nature of learning opportunities; provide
an educational training for teachers on the themes of effective remote teaching/blended learning, in order to develop digital competences on learning design and to ensure high quality inclusive digital education, thus empowering teachers to face new emergencies to be achieved through a serious-game-based approach. These objectives will contribute to increasing the digital readiness of the learning ecosystem to manage an effective shift towards digital education, and fostering teachers’ and students’ resilience to tackle unplanned events.
SuperRED results will be implemented through the following activities: A design Framework for effective and inclusive digital learning, with a focus on distance learning, for investigating the context with a literature review and exploring the needs of teachers in terms of remote or blended teaching, learning design and SRL, and students’ needs in terms of SRL.
january 2022
The first meeting with the project team. This meeting would follow definition of the base elements for the project and other project planning activities. This meeting introduces the members of the project team and the client and provides the opportunity to discuss the role of team members.
may 2022
A design Framework for effective and inclusive
digital learning, with a focus on distance learning, for investigating the context with a literature review and exploring the needs of teachers in terms of remote/blended teaching, learning design and SRL, and students’ needs in terms of SRL.
september 2022
The development of educational scenarios based on collaborative learning aimed at developing student’s SR competences. Both researchers and teachers will be involved in the co-design of the educational scenarios.